Next Generation
Grant Skeldon has a passion for finding and uniting diverse, dynamic young leaders to reach this generation. He serves as the Next Gen Director for THINQ with Gabe and Rebekah Lyons. THINQ helps people develop cultural discernment, engage any topic with confidence, and create conversations that lead to wisdom.
He has written for The Wall Street Journal, Relevant, The Gospel Coalition, and is the youngest leader to be featured on the cover of Outreach Magazine. His book, The Passion Generation has helped thousands of pastors and leaders to reach, raise, and retain the next generation.
Grant and his wife Cheyanne reside in Nashville, Tennessee, where he serves on the preaching team at Way Church.
“I want to see revival in this generation. For decades we’ve been asking the wrong question, “How do we reach the next generation?” But I don’t think they want to be reached. I think they want to be launched. They aren’t looking for one more thing to buy. They’re looking for a community to belong to and mission to fight for. Unfortunately, this generation is saturated with content but starved of connection. Lord willing, I want to change that. I want to normalize discipleship in my lifetime. We don’t have a next gen problem. We have a discipleship problem.” – Grant Skeldon
October 20, 2024
Grant Skeldon