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Harmony. Creativity. Empowerment.

SACI: Cultivating Creative Spiritual Formation.

St. Andrew’s Creative Institute (SACI) fosters children’s exploration of faith through seven creative disciplines, including music, technical arts, theater, dance, craft, worship and hospitality. Based on a key tenet, creativity as worship, SACI envisions a vibrant constellation of creative expressions where children of various age groups can develop their talents and contribute to worship settings and prayer activities, nurturing their spiritual growth and facilitating intergenerational worship.

https://www.sapres.org/wp-content/uploads/043A6075-scaled.jpg https://www.sapres.org/wp-content/uploads/worshippage-slider3.jpg


SACI provides a variety of specialized tracks: SACI Voice, SACI Sing, SACI Dance, SACI Tech, and SACI Rhythm. SACI Rhythm emphasizes worship, rock, jazz, and Latin music, while SACI Tech offers students the chance to collaborate with the St. Andrew’s Tech Arts team. Our classes are led by local professionals who are carefully selected not just for their teaching skills but also for their ability to mentor students in their Christian faith.



The St. Andrew’s Children Choir – SACI Sing – is directed by our worship leader, Gina Pierce. Students from 1st to 6th grade are invited to be part of a lively, dynamic, and spirit-filled vocal experience. SACI Sing is a wonderful way to have your kids be involved with ministry!

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