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Gift Of Grace

Gift Of Grace

Soon we will enjoy the Christmas celebration of God’s “Gift of Grace,” His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. As we prepare for His birth this Advent season, we will look with new eyes at the drama and beauty of lives touched by the grace ofGod. May the familiar story become new as we look at a priest who is surprised by grace, a young woman chosen by grace, a senior woman moved by grace, and a young Mary overwhelmed by grace. May our hearts and lives be filled with wonder and awe at the goodness of our heavenly Father’s grace this Advent season!

Week 6

December 26, 2021

Gary Watkins

A Medley Of Carols

Week 5

December 24, 2021

Gary Watkins

Gift Of Grace

Week 4

December 19, 2021

Shannon Coon

Overwhelmed By Grace

Week 3

December 12, 2021

Bryan Eckelmann

Moved By Grace

Week 2

December 05, 2021

Gary Watkins

Chosen By Grace

Week 1

November 28, 2021

Gary Watkins

Surprised By Grace

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